Saturday, November 24, 2012

Choosing the Right Colour for Your Glass Splashback

When choosing a kitchen it is important to look for something that will stand the test of time- it should last 10-15 years, so the colour scheme has to be one you’ll be happy with for a long while. It can be quite daunting to find a place to start when designing your new room and it can be tricky to know which combinations will work cohesively. Choosing the right balance of colours and materials can be a difficult decision, but when it comes to picking a glass splashback, we at CreoGlass are here to help.
Splashbacks are ideal for their durability and how easy they are to clean, but they can also be a statement piece for your kitchen- something that can really make an impression on the room. 

Things to consider are that large kitchens are often in need of breaking up one colour or surface, whereas a small kitchen does not necessarily need an array of different colours. There are several different options when choosing a style for your splashback, for example, you could pick from any of our array of elegant standard colours, or you could even add some sparkle for a real wow-factor.

Standard Colours

Here at Creoglass we distinguish Standard Colours as the Solid Colours from international colour guides such as British Standard, Pantone, RAL, Farrow & Ball, Dulux, Laura Ashley, NCS, etc. You can pick any of these colours and we can match them exactly for your splashback, or you can look through our own sample books (available from our showroom in Watford). Our Vibrant Colours range contains exciting shades spanning from Canary yellow to Telemagenta pink, whereas our newer Subtle Colours collection, consists of a stunning selection of pastel tones like the exotic Moroccan Sands or the calm & relaxed Bracken Salts.

Luxury Collection

Any of our standard colours can be mixed with subtle sparkles for a more luminescent effect; however, if you’re looking for something even bolder, you might want to try our Luxury Collection. A unique technological coating process allows us to achieve a beautiful granite look, exclusive to Creoglass. Its impressive deep structure design and wide range of shimmering colours is created using metal elements, natural minerals, and a variety of pigmented crushed minerals, to develop a look that will be an impressive addition to any kitchen.

These are just a few of the options we have available for renovating your home, but there are also many more on offer. Please feel free to make an appointment to visit us at our showroom, where we would be happy to help you with any questions you may have, and give expert advice on choosing the right colour scheme for your new kitchen. We hope to help you move a step forward in designing a kitchen that will meet your every want and need, and keep you and your family happy for years to come.

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